Author Archives: Claire

Videos & Podcasts

Exciting … so many wonderful ideas and they are going to come to fruition … started to pull together some videos and other resources to provide an online class … with the option of a Skype or face time consult … plus some podcasting … need an injection of hours and more energy.


She was done ….


I read this and was blown away by it … this …. just this ….
She was done being something she was not. She realized the purpose of life was to be truly, happily who she was born to be…and if she paused long enough to remember, she recognized herself.



Author: Adrienne Pieroth

She was done not fully being herself.

She realized she was the only self she could be—and not being unapologetically true to herself was a disservice to her soul and the world.

She was done listening to the noise of the world. She realized the quiet voice of her own soul was the most beautiful sound.

She was done questioning her motives, her intentions, the call of her soul. She realized questions seek answers, and maybe she already knew the answers.

She was done striving, forcing, pushing through and staying on the hard path. She realized toughing things out might be a sign to pick another path.

She was done with friends that admonished her to be more light and breezy. She realized they didn’t understand she swam in the deep waters of life, she felt at home in their dark depths and died if she lived on the surface.

She was done with the distractions, the denials, the small addictions that pulled her away from the true desires of her soul. She realized that strength of character came from focus and commitment.

She was done not following the desires that yelled out in her soul every day. She realized if she did nothing about them, they died a quiet death that took a piece of her soul with them.

She was done with dinner parties and cocktail hours where conversations skimmed the surface of life. She realized the beverages created distortion and a temporary happiness that wasn’t real and disappeared in the light of the day.

She was done trying to please everyone. She realized it could never be done.

She was done questioning herself. She realized her heart knew the truth and she needed to follow it.

She was done analyzing all the options, weighing the pros and cons and trying to figure everything out before leaping. She realized that taking a leap implied not fully seeing where she landed.

She was done battling with herself, trying to change who she knew herself to be. She realized the world made it hard enough to fully be herself, so why add to the challenge.

She was done worrying, as if worry was the price she had to pay to make it all turn out okay. She realized worry didn’t need to be part of the process.

She was done apologizing and playing small to make others feel comfortable and fit in. She realized fitting in was overrated and shining her light made others brave enough to do the same.

She was done with the should’s, ought to’s and have to’s of the world. She realized the only must’s in her life came from things that beat so strong in her soul, she couldn’t not do them.

She was done with remorse and could have’s. She realized hindsight never applies because circumstances always look different in the rearview mirror and you experience life looking through the front window.

She was done with friendships based on shared history and past experiences. She realized if friends couldn’t grow together, or were no longer following the same path, it was okay to let them go.

She was done trying to fit in—be part of the popular crowd. She realized the price she had to pay to be included was too high and betrayed her soul.

She was done not trusting. She realized she had placed her trust in people that were untrustworthy—so she would start with the person she could trust the most—herself.

She was done being tired. She realized it came from spending her time doing things that didn’t bring her joy or feed her soul.

She was done trying to figure it all out, know the answers, plan everything and see all the possibilities before she began. She realized life was unfolding and that the detours and unexpected moments were some of the best parts.

She was done needing to be understood by anyone but herself. She realized she was the only person she would spend her whole with and understanding herself was more important than being understood by others.

She was done looking for love. She realized loving and accepting herself was the best kind of love and the seed from which all other love started.

She was done fighting, trying to change or not her accepting her body. She realized the body she came into the world with was the only one she had—there were no exchanges or returns—so love and acceptance was the only way.

She was done being tuned in, connected and up-to-date all the time. She realized the news and noise of the world was always there—a cacophony that never slowed or fell quiet and that listening to the silence of her soul was a better station to tune into.

She was done beating herself up and being so hard on herself as if either of these things led to changes or made her feel better. She realized kindness and compassion towards herself and others accomplished more.

She was done comparing and looking at other people’s lives as a mirror for her own. She realized holding her own mirror cast her in the best, most beautiful light.

She was done being quiet, unemotional and holding her tongue. She realized her voice and her emotions could be traced back to her deepest desires and longings. if she only followed their thread.

She was done having to be right. She realized everyone’s truth was relative and personal to themselves, so the only right that was required was the one that felt true for her.

She was done not feeling at home in the world. She realized she might never feel at home in the world, but that feeling at home in her soul was enough.

She was done being drained by others—by people who didn’t want to take the time for their own process and saw shortcuts though hers. She realized she could share her experience, but everyone needed to do the work themselves.

She was done thinking she had so much to learn. She realized she already knew so much, if she only listened.

She was done trying to change others or make them see things. She realized she could only lead by example and whether they saw or followed was up to them.

She was done with the inner critic. She realized its voice was not her own.

She was done racing and being discontent with where she was. She realized the present moment held all it needed to get her to the next moment. It wasn’t out there—it was right here.

She was done seeing hurt as something to be avoided, foreseen or somehow her fault. She realized hurt shaped her as much as joy and she needed both to learn and grow.

She was done judging. She realized judging assumed the presence of right and wrong—and that there was a difference between using information to inform and making someone else wrong.

She was done jumping to conclusions. She realized she only needed to ask.

She was done with regrets. She realized if she had known better she would have done better.

She was done being angry. She realized anger was just a flashlight that showed her what she was most scared of and once it illuminated what she needed to see, she no longer needed to hold on to it.

She was done being sad. She realized sorrow arose when she betrayed her own soul and made choices that weren’t true to herself.

She was done playing small. She realized if others couldn’t handle her light, it was because they were afraid of their own.

She was done with the facades and the pretending. She realized masks were suffocating and claustrophobic.

She was done with others’ criticism and complaints. She realized they told her nothing about herself—only informed her of their perspective.

She was done yelling above the noise of the world. She realized living out loud could be done quietly.

She was done needing permission, validation or the authority. She realized she was her her own authority.

She was done being something she was not. She realized the purpose of life was to be truly, happily who she was born to be…and if she paused long enough to remember, she recognized herself.

Induction of Labour – Lesley Gilchrist (Independent Midwife)

Kindly copied from the VBAC support group page with permission …

Many of you have asked about induction of labour and some of the statistics that are being quoted are quite out of date. I’ve cut and pasted this article from my blog (didn’t want to fall foul of the the ‘no business advertising’ and this is important). I am a midwife first and foremost, but also a clinical researcher hence the subject and it’s content. Please PM me for more details if you wish.
Thank you, Lesley  Link


First things first… I’m not suggesting for a moment that babies need to be evicted by a certain date, or indeed that by going past a ‘due date’ or ‘best before date’ your placenta will somehow disintegrate (some people do actually claim that your placenta will just ‘stop’ working). Evicting a baby from their comfortable home whatever means you use is still an induction, natural or not. What I’d like to do is talk you through the normal human gestation which should lead nicely to induction of labour.

The Normal Gestation for Humans

When you’re first given you due date, it’s calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period plus 9 months and 1 week. But, would it surprise you to learn that what’s classed as term (the period of pregnancy at which point your baby is expected to be fully matured and able to survive outside with only the support of heat, love and nourishment) is anything from 37 weeks of pregnancy to 42 weeks of pregnancy (World Health Organisation).

This wide variation in gestation makes understanding the ‘due date’ even harder to comprehend; how can it be that with a 5 week window of normal gestation that we can give one date from which to work out when your baby will be ready to be born? Surely, if a baby is naturally mature and ready to be born at 37 weeks then 40 weeks would be 3 weeks ‘too late’, equally, a baby not physically mature until 42 weeks would be 2 weeks ‘early’ if born at 40 weeks. And, more counterintuitive, what of the babies born at 36 weeks, they’re classed as premature at only 1 week before they reach maturity if they were those babies physically mature at only 37 weeks. But, a baby physically mature at 42 or 43 weeks, born at 37 weeks may be classed as ‘term’, how does that work?

My son was born at 37 weeks and weighed 4200g (9lb 6oz), he had beautiful long finger nails and dry skin, a sure sign that he was physically mature, equally I have seen babies born at 41 and 42 weeks still covered in their white, petroleum jelly like substance known as vernix, most usually seen in babies of an earlier gestation.

What I’m trying to say is that each baby is unique and will come when he or she is ready. The problem lies with the ‘estimated due date’ (note the word estimated there) that’s given to you at your first scan. This date is used to calculate everything from your maternity leave to the thorny issue of ‘post term’ induction (beyond 42 weeks).

Induction of Labour for Post Term Babies

There are numerous studies that have examined birth outcomes for babies depending on which point of the pregnancy continuum they were born. A Cochrane review found that fewer babies died if babies were induced at 41 weeks rather than 42 weeks or beyond, however they also acknowledge that ‘such risks (of death) were rare with either policy’.

To put it simply, if we induced every woman’s labour at 41 weeks the risk of a baby dying is 3 in every 10,000 or 0.03% compared with 30 babies in every 10,000 or 0.3% if we left them alone, so you see, extremely small numbers.

Another important point to remember; you do not ‘have’ to have an induction of labour and equally the medical and midwifery profession have no right to ‘allow’ you to go over your dates and wait for natural labour. It’s their duty to ensure that you have all of the information to make the decision about what’s best for you and your baby; only you can decide. If you do decide to wait for natural labour and decline their offer of induction of labour you should be offered monitoring of your baby’s placental function to ensure that he or she are happy and healthy.

‘What’s the Catch?’, I hear you ask

Well, hands up who’s had this chat with a midwife or doctor; the ‘baby dying’ chat? Now, hands up who, during that chat was also informed of the risks of induction? I suspect that not so many of you raised your hands to the second question. So what are the risks of inducing your labour? To be clear, I’m talking purely about post term induction of labour, this post is not about induction of labour for any other reason.

For first time mothers 2 studies found that induction of labour increased the risks of Caesarean section (a Cochrane study in 2013 found the opposite, however that study didn’t exclude those women having subsequent births, which may have skewed the data).

In addition to the increased risk of Caesarean section you also have the following:

Prolonged stay in hospital (increased risk of hospital acquired infection)
Increased reliance on strong pain relief (epidural for example)
Increased risk of forceps or ventouse birth (epidural doubles the risks for first time mothers plus)
Increased risk of forceps or ventouse birth (syntocinon increases the risk of fetal distress hence the need for continuous fetal heart rate monitoring)
Increased risk of Caesarean section (continuous fetal monitoring is extremely unreliable and detects problems in 6 out of 100 women when they aren’t any, hence the increased need for Caesarean section and forceps etc)
Finally, inductions of labour take a long time, especially if this is your first baby. The pessary that’s used to soften your cervix takes around 24 hours to work, that’s 24 hours before a midwife can even break your waters. You will then be advised to walk around to see if breaking your waters alone will start your contractions. If the walking around isn’t successful you will then be started on the hormone drip (syntocinon) which is given through a needle in your hand. Because of the risks of fetal distress with this hormone you’ll also be attached to a monitor recording your baby’s heartbeat for the entirety of your labour.
So you see, nothing is without risk. What’s important is that you are given all of the information need to make an informed choice. Ask the questions about risk of going over your ‘dates’ but equally, ask the questions of risks of induction of labour and their consequent risks

Natural Methods of Induction of Labour

As much as I am a staunch proponent of ‘baby knows best’ with regards to their date of birth I’m also fully aware that the ‘estimated due date’ and the NHS machine is a strong beast to fight against. So it is with a heavy heart that I’m going to give you some tips on how to start your labour naturally.

Acupuncture and reflexology
They will help to prepare you for labour; I believe the most likely reason for our 5 week window of a normal term pregnancy is in part due to our busy lives and constant need for adrenalin to fuel it (see my shrinking cervix blog). If you’re tense and have low levels of adrenalin constantly circulating then the hormones needed for labour don’t stand a chance. It may be that your baby was ready to be born at 38 weeks but your anxiety and stress levels are hindering your body’s ability to start labour off. Acupuncture and reflexology (some theorists believe) help to restore that natural balance of oxytocin and help to reduce adrenalin production. This, theoretically should allow your baby to decide when he’s due to be born but won’t help him come sooner than he’s ready.

Clitoral & Nipple stimulation
Both of these methods (start from around 36 weeks) help you to produce oxytocin, your natural labour hormone. Now, once you’ve produced this hormone, theoretically you should start to feel cramps as your uterus contracts under the action of this hormone. If done frequently enough this gradual contraction of your uterus may help to encourage labour and to soften your cervix and your baby’s membranes.

Raspberry Leaf Tea or Capsules
There’s no evidence that this actually works to start your labour off, however equally there’s no evidence that it doesn’t work and there’s certainly no evidence that it’s harmful, so crack on I say. What raspberry leaf does do though is to help tone your uterus to make your contractions more effective during labour.

Other Methods
Pineapple: you’d need to eat massive amounts of this which just aren’t feasible
Sex: no more effective than clitoral stimulation
Baths, curries, divination: they don’t work I’m afraid, but if you’re partial to any of these they certainly won’t do any harm.

Vital Links – for all birthing women

This was created by Karen Law a doula and body worker in Scotland.  It has been reposted here with kind permission from her.

Hopefully you will find the information you are looking for here. Please report any links that don’t work or any ideas you have for new links.

All of us here wish you luck in your quest of making an informed choice that is right for you and your baby and will be happy to answer any specific questions you may have on your own thread.

Good luck and happy researching:-)

“Here’s to the friends who come together

To share the search to know

To you I say hello forever

Love does not end, but it grows”

Hello Forever by Karen Riem



Best places to start: (RCOG VBAC guidelines)


Debbie Chippington Derrick’s recent Presentation on Natural Birth after


Silent Knife: A book you MUST buy and read: but not necessarily from that site 😉

Another great book, Spiritual Midwifery:

If you have trouble coming to terms with your previous CS:   “You should be grateful”

A Relevant Book Review:

and another brief overview:

Info about how to obtain your previous Birth notes (see also TIPS at

bottom of post):

Mary Cronk’s scar monitoring procedures:

Scar pain during labour (will try to find suitable links to add also):

Email me and I shall pass on a good description from someone who has

experienced this and had a HWBAC nevertheless!

For those attempting a VBA2C:

And a birth story:

And risks of UR with VBA2C or more:

4 links about pushing I wish I’d known about:

Birth Without Active Pushing


Optimal Foetal Positioning:

Twin VBAC:

OK so it’s on Homebirth site but I thinks it’s relevant. Overdue:


To scan or not to scan:

Just say NO to induction:

Natural Induction methods:

Perineal Massage:

Early Labour Mistakes:

The most recent Cochrane Review

Continuous cardiotocography (CTG) as a form of electronic fetal monitoring

(EFM) for fetal assessment during labour:

When trying to argue your case AGAINST monitoring:

Birth plan inspiration:

The Third stage:

If you need to make a complaint about your Maternity care:

And relative risks of VBAC  :-):

Epidural anesthesia risk chart:

What you need to know about midwives and homebirth:

A web site where you can download 21 leaflets about various aspects of pg,

labour and delivery:

Shoulder Dystocia, a very long link to read through with links at the bottom:

If you suffer from SPD:

What about slow and/or long labour:

Gestational Diabetes:

Birth stories!!!:

An outdoor birth!:

Runa’s Birth (a homebirth), a book to read to, and discuss with, your

older child:

or Hello Baby by Jenni Overend:



(which has lots more links at the bottom) and


Some info from Lamaze: 



So baby’s not in the best position:

If baby is Breech:

Optimal Foetal Positioning:

If you want to find a Doula:

A French site on Doulas:

And one for  Doulas in Austria:


If you have Group B Strep:

…and want to stay at home:




When to have another baby:

A MUST for everyone, how I’d prefer to have a CS:,,1656246,00.html

Having difficulty deciding between VBAC and elCS:


NLH – Women’s Health – Professor David James: NICE/NCCWCH Caesarean

Section Guideline





Milk Banking;

And a way to find out what’s local to you!:


A British Independent Midwife:


If only these American ladies were your MW:


Pelvises I have known and loved By Gloria Lemay:

A great site from a lady in Glasgow who says everything we believe in:

VBAC in France, AVAC!!:

A great Ozzie website, Joyous birth:

Another FABULOUS site from Oz:

And a mw in Adelaide:

An American site:

And one from Singapore:


Our MSN VBAC site:

A good Baby site:
An Alternative to Tampons:


Also attached to this thread is an RTF file worth reading!

menstrual_cup.rtf – Taken from Natural Health Magazine, Aceville

Publications, January 2007


Mothers Milk Marketing Board:
For turning those stupidly long links into manageable sizes:

for understanding the shorthand:

A few more of our own:

VBA2C – vaginal birth after 2 CS… and so on depending on the number.

HBAC – home birth after cs

HWBAC – home water birth after cs

elCS – elective cs

emCS – emergency cs

FTP – failure to progress

FFS & WTF – We leave that to your imagination !!! LOL


12 ancient midwives


Magical … all the elements we focus on in classes.

Prayers of the Living
Cosmic forces


Enjoy Cx