Friends are truly amazing …. can I do without the technology just for 24 hours?

Well I have had an interesting few days, my laptop died (a definite death – blue screen) and not having access to a computer is like having an arm removed!
But I managed through my phone and kindle.  Luckily, I have a wonderful husband and family and a replacement is now sitting in front of me.  Thank you so much …

As I said the week has been interesting a few professional challenges but nothing that my new 2013 positive attitude can’t cope with.  People with poor attitude who think they can walk all over you.  Think again, as a lovely friend and colleague tells me “You picked the wrong marine!”  Too right.  I am a softy at heart and do find it difficult to say “No” but I have too; I am running a business after all.

Today I called for help and a true friend came to my rescue – thank you.  I am so grateful and amazed that you were across the other side of the world and responded to my call for help.  It was fixed in 20 minutes tops and all via the power of the internet and FB.  Amazing and exceptional.  Thank you, I am very grateful!  My family were in awe that technology could be so versatile and fix the problem so quickly.  At one point I was nervous at handing over the screen controls but do you know it felt good to know that someone else had the power (just for a few minutes)! We are so technology dependent and I would love to set myself the challenge to just not look at my phone, computer, kindle just for a day (24 hours).  Perhaps I can even do this as a charitable event.

Of course it would be difficult to monitor but I am game of you want to sponsor me.
As you know I am doing the Silverstone 1/2 marathon in March 2013 and raising vital funds for Tommy’s so perhaps the proceeds can go towards this.  It would have to be on a Thursday so that I can do without my phone and use a CD for class for music.  How antiquated!
Thank you to those who have sponsored me I am very grateful.

What do you think?  Just looking for a date … 24th on the road so will need phone but could do 31st January 2013.  Can’t do any other day as do need technology for school work and the weekend.

Game if you are willing to sponsor me?

Here’s the link:

Please sponsor my personal Challenge to complete the 2013 Silverstone Half Marathon


So we agree from 12:00 midnight on the 30th January until 12:00 midnight on the 31st I do not use any technology related gizmo and will be open and honest and keep to this agreement you will sponsor me a minimum of £1.00 for the 24 hours?

Hoping to raise lots of money for such a worthwhile cause.  See why …

I am setting myself a challenge (some would say I’m being daft especially with my knee!) but it’s all for a wonderful cause and I am so passionate about pregnancy, birth, bubbas & mammas that I just felt I had to step up to the plate.
So please, please sponsor me. Whatever you can afford I know times are tight but any amount would be appreciated.
Tommy’s exists to save babies lives by funding research and providing information on the cause and prevention of miscarriage, premature birth and stillbirth.
I understand if this is not something you would like to sponsor and I thank you for reading my email.
If you feel that someone else may like to support me due to a personal experience or know a member of your family or friends who may be interested please feel free to forward my details to them.
In hope of raising lots of money to go to a worthwhile cause …
Claire x

2 thoughts on “Friends are truly amazing …. can I do without the technology just for 24 hours?

  1. Diane Cockburn

    Ill sponsor when I get paid, rubbish maternity pay is taking its toll! I think people should set you tasks for the day too lol they had a thing on the gadget show where the presenters had to find things out without the use of technology

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