Hypnobirthing – Confirmed Bookings

Welcome to The Ripple Effect – Hypnobirthing & Empowering Birth Course

Your booking is confirmed and you will have your first class date. Any additional class dates will be arranged with you during the first & subsequent sessions.

Please could you complete the following and email them back to me at claireripplemamamg@gmail.com


Ripple Effect Terms and Conditions

Ripple Effect Yoga GDPR letter

Ripple Effect Yoga PRIVACY POLICY February 2021

Ripple Effect downloads

please email a copy of this completed back to claireripplemamamg@gmail.com

After your course:
Ripple Effect Assessed course Evaluation Form  please email this back to claireripplemamamg@gmail.com after you have completed the course.

Your Course content:

Please find below the links for the resources you will find useful as we work through this course.

Birth Physiology  – Link
Important to understand the inter-relationship of the hormones etc and how these can impact your journey if they are disturbed … 

Hypnobirthing – Link.  

Empowering Birth – Link

Visualisation Downloads – Link

Massage Sequence –  this will be emailed to you.  
Massage video – Link

Mama Goddess – The Most Beautiful Home Water Birth – Link

Downloads – Link

Podcasts – Link