Ripple Effect Downloads

Ripple Effect Downloads

Here you will find lots of resources that you will be able to download and keep for you to refer to during your pregnancy, labour & postnatal period.
Please do not share with anyone outside of the Ripple community.

Relaxing Birth music via YouTube

Massage in Labour PDF
massage for labour

NEW NEW UPLOAD – What gets the baby in gets the baby out Video IMG_0927

Hypnobirthing Relaxations on Soundcloud Link

leaflet 3rd stage
leaflet epidural
leaflet induction
leaflet labour
leaflet monitoring
leaflet natural induction
leaflet newborn
leaflet other info
leaflet pain relief 2
leaflet pain relief 3
leaflet perineal mass
leaflet positioning
leaflet postpartum

Pregnancy Yoga Videos

Yoga Flow I

Yoga flow II

Seated Flows

Standing Flow

Sample Birth Wishes (word written document)


Sample Birth Wishes (visual)

The Positive Birth Book have a great resource with the Visual Birth Plan

Visual Birth Wishes icons  Link

Visual Birth Centre / VBAC Link

Visual Caesarean section Link

Acupressure points

accupressure points scenarios updated reduced Link needs updating

Using a Tens Machine – great PDF Mamatens

A guide to drug free pain relief … Acupressure points & Link needs updating

using a TENS machine  Link needs updating
Acupressure points and using a TENS machine PDF booklet – brilliant as shows points for lots of pregnancy related issues

Homeopathy for Heartburn / Acid reflux

Road Map of Labour

road map  – US Version

– UK Version



Maternity paperwork – thank you to Chhaya for these.

Employment and Maternity etc.
Maternity Application

Breech Baby

Link  Link needs updating

This might be helpful for those of you that have a breech baby.

Biomechanics / Spinning Babies information


Forward Leaning inversion – 


Toffee Wrapper

Rebozo Collagethanks to Gena Kirby & Sacred Pregnancy


rebozo gena course notes –
rebozo gena course notes
Rebozo techniques  Rebozo Guide

please ask Claire to email these to you …

Bump wrapping

Bump binding

If you have an extra long wrap take it and wrap it around under the front of your bump, cross over, pull to your comfort level and then wrap around the back of the pelvis and knot off on the side … click the photo to open it fully and wtch the following video for the last little bit we might have done in class or on a one to one ….

This video might be of help too:  wrappedinlove

The following photo collage may be helpful for supporting the pelvis.

Using a ball in labour

Video Link – to be added

Using a chair in labour

Video Link – to be added

Pelvic support

This may be helpful if you are experiencing any hip/pelvic discomfort …

Pelvic discomfort wrapping Link needs updating

Specific sequence for SPD / PGP to be added … 

I have back ache, my baby is sitting low … what can I do?

optimalpositions Update Link

Come on Baby

comeonbaby1 update link

Dr Yehudi Gordon

Alternative Medicine

Dr Sarah Buckley – Oxytocin

Link update link

Class Checklist

checklist yoga link update

Breastfeeding Resources

Dr Jack Newman – Link
Videos:  Link

Doulas – What does a doula do?

What does a doula do

Pelvic Floors
very interesting article with links. Please click through the various links as very informative

Relaxation Downloads

The plan is to add to the relaxation downloads so that you can access these here:

Hints & Tips

As quite a few of you have asked for this I will be adding a hints & tips resource – please come back soon to download.  Set of videos to be completed.


Postpartum Perineal care 

If you have had stitches or an episiotemy you can care for this at home using the following:
Sanitary pads sprayed with witch hazel and placed in food bags in the fridge to keep them cool applied to the area – change as required.See the Shop for further details of a Spritz you can purchase.
Alternatively if having a bath (without baby as this interferes with your smell) place a few drops of lavender essential oil into a small glass of milk and then gently disperse into the warm water in the bath.  Then have a gentle soak & enjoy.  Bliss!!

Postnatal Breaths

The pelvic floors are slightly different in the postnatal period.  Start off with reverse breathing I and then in a couple of weeks start reverse breathing II when you feel ready to do them.
Reverse Breathing I
Sitting quietly (so that you can feel your sit bones)  or lying down (check pelvis is neutral not
tilted in either direction.
Gently place hands on your tummy.
Inhale & gently pull tummy in towards your back & spine
As you exhale gently pull the tummy in a little further then gently release towards end of exhale
Build these up to 6 in a row but start of by doing them individually with a resting breath between them.  Then two breaths consecutively with a resting breath then three etc.

Reverse Breathing II
Focuses on the pelvic floor
Again best done in a lying down position.
Focus on pelvic floor area.
Inhale gently squeeze & lift
Exhale – gently lift a little further (May feel like it collapses for the first few weeks but regularly done it gets better)  it’s not your tummy muscles doing the work so make sure you are focused on the pelvic floor.
Build these up to 6 in a row but start of by doing them individually with a resting breath between them.  Then two breaths consecutively with a resting breath then three etc.