Here you will find lots of resources that you will be able to download and keep for you to refer to during your pregnancy, labour & postnatal period. Please do not share with anyone outside of the Ripple community.
Massage in Labour
Leaflets – Pregnancy
leaflet induction
leaflet labour
leaflet monitoring
leaflet epidural
leaflet 3rd stage
leaflet natural induction
leaflet newborn
leaflet other info
leaflet pain relief 2
leaflet pain relief 3
leaflet perineal mass
leaflet positioning
Leaflet – Newborn/Postpartum
leaflet newborn
bottle feeding leaflet
leaflet postpartum
Yoga flow videos
Yoga Flow I:
Yoga Flow II:
Sample Birth Wishes: sample-birth-wishes
Sample plans & icons:
The Positive Birth Book have a great resource with the Visual Birth Plan
Right click and save to your download area …
Acupressure Points: accupressure points scenarios updated
Using a Tens Machine – great PDF Mamatens
A guide to drug free pain relief TENS machine
Acupressure points and using a TENS machine PDF booklet – brilliant as shows points for lots of pregnancy related issues
Road map of Labour
US version:
Birth Positions:
Maternity Paperwork – thank you to Chhaya
Employment and Maternity etc
Maternity Application
Spinning Baby
Breech Tilt Video:
Breech Tilt video
Forward Leaning Inversion
Forward Leaning Inversion video
Toffee Wrapper
Rebozo collage:
rebozo gena course notes
Rebozo techniques
Rebozo Guide
Bump Wrapping
If you have an extra long wrap take it and wrap it around under the front of your bump, cross over, pull to your comfort level and then wrap around the back of the pelvis and knot off on the side … click the photo to open it fully and wtch the following video for the last little bit we might have done in class or on a one to one ….
This video might be of help too: wrappedinlove
Pelvic support: