Mad as a Hatter

Well in September last year when I first started thinking about how I could set myself a challenge I really didn’t think that whilst trawling through the Tommy’s website ordering resources for my pregnancy yoga classes that I would suddenly be taken with the idea of running a 1/2 Marathon!

But the seed was planted and my “Golden bond” place was confirmed.  I downloaded the training plan and thought ohh goody there are weeks in hand that will be good.  So I gently started to increase my walking and wasn’t quite brave enough to try running but would do a gentle jog every now and again and try to out jog the little hills I kept coming across!  Mapmywalk become my best friend!  Sad I know but an amazing tool when you need to know how you are doing and a great app for recording the here and now!

I always hate asking people to sponsor me but I bit the bullet and emailed out past & present clients, family members, friends and I was amazed by the generosity especially as financially times are quite tight – I am so grateful that  there are some wonderful individuals/families out there who really believe in me – thank you.

Training was so so it could have been better but so much was going on with one avenue of my life in particular and the stress was pilling up so that it was impacting and affecting me not just mentally but physically.  I am never one to back out of a challenge and the faith that so many had placed in me that I could do this but if I am honest I had to give myself a good talking too.  How did I manage?  …. I looked at it as a journey to give birth!  I know madness but I have to be honest all the way around Silverstone I kept focusing on Matti’s birth and the last 7 miles were the last 7 days of labour!  Yes I really did focus on giving birth and even used birth breathing when the need for the loo became too much  …. but that is to come … just to say TENA ladies are fab!


Number arrived … and the day dawned brightly.  One excited 7 year old who I think would have jogged the whole course with me if he had been allowed was bouncing around and infecting us all with his enthusiasm.  On the journey to Silverstone I took a gentle breath and focused on releasing all the tension I was aware of holding.  I wanted to be relaxed and focused for this as the plan was to power walk the course and I was trying to keep to 15 minute miles which would give me a course time of 3 hours 15 minutes or thereabouts.  Have to allow for contingencies and I know what I am like when I see others struggling – I go into auto mode and gently “doula” them.


So I found my starter marker 3 hours + met an amazing lady in remission and running this 1/2 marathon before doing a triathlon at Blenheim and I was blown away by her journey.  Wishing her well I started forward to the start line and this was the pattern of the next 3+ hours meeting new people and exchanging stories.  So many inspirational people.  People I overtook walking who would then gently jog past me and we would keep changing places.  Chatting to them and motivating them and myself.

Amazing at Mile 6 I was met with a hug from our littlest and he gently jogged as we went over the bridge.  From there onwards my focus was the 7 days I was in labour with Matti and each mile was one day.  Mile 11 was challenging as the weather had really changed and it was very cold.  I was so glad I had padded up at this point.

Coming into the last mile felt very lonely and I was a little forlorn as a lone jogger jogged past me and there was just me and a photographer as I power walked down the straight.  As I started round the bend and up the hill the lactic acid started to hit and I did honestly think this is it a mile from the finish and your body quits on you!  Mentally I was feeling the challenge as well but I kept thinking of all the penniesthat I had raised and how they would help a family and their precious cargo.  The end was in sight, my mobile had run out and mapmywalk was no longer telling me that you have walked x miles in x hours & minutes.  It did tell me that the finish marker was back there – huuh?

Coming into the final finish was very emotional, my family had stuck with me all the way and it was really cold – thank you my lovelies as it was so worth seeing you at the finish line.  Stamping on that mat and seeing that I had done it, with the marshalls congratulating me and saying about how it was a worthy charity etc had me in tears and I just couldn’t talk …  IMG_1871

Thank you to you all, Mark has a video of the end and I will try to upload.IMG_1856

Will I ever do a 1/2 Marathon again – at the time when I was cold, the shakes had started and then when the stiffness set in I would probably have been quite adamant saying never again, however if you had asked me the next day and the day after than when I went for gentle walks to loosen my poor body out I would have said maybe but smaller next time!  On reflection I would love to do the Moonwalk and that is 26 miles … so the plan … at some point in the future I will do a Moonwalk and would love to rope in all the lovely mamas I have had the honour to support during their pregnancies.  So mamas be warned I am on the lookout and will be asking.

Thank you to everyone for helping me raise £275.00 i nearly made my target of £300.00 for Tommy’s.




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