Doesn’t pass a greenish-black stool within 36 hours after birth
Diarrhoea. Unusually frequent and very watery stools; blood or mucus in stools
Fewer than five wet nappies in 24 hours (after day 4 or 5, when mums milk has come in)
Dehydration: if you pinch the baby’s skin, it stays pinched up; wrinkled, crepe paper-like skin; dry mouth; dark yellow urine; sunken fontanel
Fever higher than 100.4 degrees F, rectally, or above 99.5 degrees F, under the arm
Jaundice: whites of the eyes are turning yellow; skin below the nipple line turning yellow
White patches on the tongue or inside the mouth that don’t wipe off easily.
Umbilical cord – any redness around cord, foul odour or pus, bright red bleeding.
Vomiting: forcefully or more frequently than usual (more than just spitting up).
Feeding problems: repeatedly refuses feedings for more than 6 to 8 hours excessively or uncharacteristically fussy or irritable; unusually lethargic or sleepy
Problems with breathing: signs such as blue lips, struggling to breathe, flaring nostrils, or deep indentations of the chest when breathing.