As I mentioned earlier there are programmes that you may have watched and thought “oh my goodness” and these may have started you thinking about your Journey. YOUR Journey is very UNIQUE to YOU, to your baby and to those supporting you.

So just take a moment to see if you can visualise yourself in labour?
If you can’t please don’t panic … if you can …
What does it look like?
What does it feel like?
What does labour look like?
What have you been watching?
How has it helped you?
VIDEO: – What would you feel comfortable using from this video to support your partner when you go into labour.
So you might have watched that and fallen in love with the idea of birthing in the open space or had thoughts of what in the world are this couple doing?
Remember that your choices are to be respected and anyone who comments doesn’t have the right to, what, where, how, when & why you choose to labour, or where to have YOUR baby is YOUR choice.
What did you like about what you saw in the video?
The key to all of this is EDUCATION – educate yourself and those supporting you … know your options and choices – what you can say “Thank you however we would like to try x, y or z … rather than going straight for the pain relief or a certain procedure”.
So as part of our EDUCATION we want to dive in to one of those areas that you’ve probably heard stories from your friends and family or opinions about a certain way to birth your baby or where to birth your baby. So lets jump into an area that you may not know anything about. Interventions. This is another of our elephants in the room that we would probably rather stick our head in the sand or just not look at.
Be informed, know YOUR options & choices.