Quiz 1

So lets have a look at the following quiz.
Don’t worry if you don’t know – this is all about education.
Have a go and then check out the True / False answers below.
Watch how the question is worded.

So I imagine that the quiz maybe has opened up Pandora’s box where you have more questions … you’ll find the answers below with links to resources. I’ll try to explain as best I can. The way they are phrased will make you stop and think.

A mother does not have to push while forceps are used? FALSE
Yes the mother will need to push – directed pushing.

An episiotomy must be done before forceps or ventouse are used FALSE
You can decline a routine episiotemy.

If ventouse is not successful, forceps will always work FALSE
Not always the case due to what position your baby is in.

Forceps can sometimes cause small indentations on the baby’s head TRUE
Yes there have been reported incidents where babies have been injured using forceps.

Ventouse/vacuum can cause a caput on a baby’s head TRUE
Have a look at the following link to see what a Caput is.
What is a caput?

Instrumental deliveries can sometimes injure the mother TRUE
Again there have been reports of instrumental damage to the bladder, the bowel etc

A mother must be in stirrups to have forceps/vacuum/ventouse FALSE
You can decline being put Ito stirrups.

Forceps, Ventouse/vacuum are not available at home births TRUE
Clarify this with your Trust or ask your midwife.

Forceps are commonly used to lift a baby out during a caesarean birth FALSE
However they can be used when they are required maybe to release one shoulder.

You may have lots of questions after this … feel free to message me or raise this during our sessions together if you have booked in with me.  Or discuss this with your midwife.

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