- are responsible for ripening the cervix
- Switches on the Oxytocin receptors in the uterus = receptive to the Oxytocin being released and causing contractions.
- When you are offered a ‘stretch and sweep’ near or after her due date, the idea is to irritate the membranes of the cervix to encourage the Prostaglandins to rush in and start the process off
- Semen is a natural carrier of Prostaglandin = making love is considered a sure-fire method of starting labour if the baby & body are ready. It’s fun trying if you can find a comfortable position.
Melatonin – is produced when it’s dark. Brain receives messages from the eyes – produces melatonin – we feel sleepy
This is relevant to labour because Melatonin boosts Oxytocin and if it’s dark, we feel less exposed and more relaxed.
Are you starting to understand why interventions, your environment and other events surrounding birth can cause problems for the labour journey … it’s a finely tuned process that requires balance. I can’t emphasis enough you need to know your options and choices.