Other Hormones

  • Relaxin softens & relaxes the ligaments & muscles of the pelvis & perineum to make them soft & stretchy.
  • Inhaling oxygen during labour =  higher levels of Relaxin, enabling the birth canal to soften and widen.
  • The baby rocks their head back and forth over the perineum as they are crowning, it encourages even more Relaxin to be produced, ensuring those muscles to open softly and gently = minimising the risk of tearing. Encourages Oxytocin production for the next stage of the motherhood/birth journey.
  • Directed Pushing = higher risk of tearing (i.e. being instructed on how and when to push), because levels of Relaxin aren’t given the necessary time to build up in the blood stream.
  • During pregnancy, the Relaxin can also be responsible for pelvic pain sometimes known as Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) or Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) because it can make the ligaments too soft, stretchy and moveable.
  • Melatonin is produced when it is dark.
    The brain receives messages from the eyes. Melatonin is produced and you feel sleepy. Melatonin boosts OXYTOCIN. In the DARK you feel less exposed and more relaxed.