The Ripple Effect – Introductions
So lets introduce ourselves and start to think about who we are …
I’m the Morrow who married a Goodman … we love travelling and cooking. This Welsh lass (yes I really am from Wales) ventured across the Severn Bridge and eventually circumvented herself to land in Northampton for work where she met her Goodman (Mark) … let’s cut this story short … our surnames joined together, we have two children later – celebrating 25 years of marriage (2023) and I definitely have a good un … especially when I’m on call and run through Plan A, B, C & have contingency X, Y & Z … he’s patient and absolutely brilliant and made a fantastic second doula when we were having our second. So a girl and a boy whose births were very, very different and unique. If you’d like to read our positive birth story it can be found here: Link remember to click back so you come back here …
Ohh the important bits, I’m a birth advocate having been a part of this magical world for over two decades. I am a doula, a pregnancy and postpartum yoga teacher, a baby massage & yoga practitioner, a mummy, an antenatal educator and a positive birth activist (no I don’t go out marching) I’m more subtle than that I support women to find their voice and know their options so that they can journey the birth that happens on the day.

So you will see these pop up they are an opportunity for you to discuss either together and with others or to go off and do some research in order to decide what your thoughts are on certain aspects of your journey. Perhaps coming back together to discuss and explore your findings.
I always like to do the above activity where you create a little A4 of who you are … so why don’t you go grab a sheet of paper and splurge all the juicy bits about you both. Then you’ll have this wonderful reminder of who you both are as individuals and as a couple before this lovely bundle of joy swoops in and takes over … pop it in your baby box. Here’s to the next adventure in your Journey to mother & parent/fatherhood and becoming a family.